Teen Social Anxiety

Episode 2 November 19, 2021 00:30:27
Teen Social Anxiety
Of Course.. They Make Me Crazy!
Teen Social Anxiety

Nov 19 2021 | 00:30:27


Show Notes

Of Course, They Make Me Crazy Podcast host April Norris talks with Kyle Mitchell about teens struggling with social anxiety.

Kyle is a mental health advocate, speaker, podcast host, and social media influencer (@Social_Anxiety_Kyle) who is passionate about solving the problems associated with poor mental health in the world and the impact they have on our communities, especially teens and youth.

Having struggled and conquered his own social anxiety after a 10-year battle, he has found his calling and purpose to impact the lives of others on a global scale.

Kyle’s mission is to help 1 million teens go from socially anxious to socially confident, collaborating with teens, educators, parents, nonprofits, and other organizations to change the narrative and stigma that currently exists.

Kyle is a member of NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illnesses) Louisville and is a certified Ending the Silence Speaker for NAMI where he goes to schools and spreads his message about mental health.

He is very effective at connecting with his audience by being vulnerable and sharing the struggles he has had with his own mental health.

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