Depression W/ Zero Dark Nerdy Host

Episode 26 March 15, 2021 00:31:08
Depression W/ Zero Dark Nerdy Host
Of Course.. They Make Me Crazy!
Depression W/ Zero Dark Nerdy Host

Mar 15 2021 | 00:31:08


Show Notes

Hey There …

You’re not alone!  Depression hits all of us.

Brian, one of the hosts of The Zero Dark Nerdy Podcast talks to April Norris about living with depression. 

He's the host of a peppy podcast known as the World’s Most Notorious POP Culture Podcast covering Movies, Video Games, Cosplay, Toys and Music ... but it's not always fun and games for him.  

He shares how he deals with his dark days. He’s coming to us with his own personal perspective and struggles.

We both hope you know you are loved by so many and better days are ahead. 

 You can reach out to Brian on IG @zdn_podcast or email [email protected]

You can always reach out to me - April Norris on IG @ofcoursetheymakemecrazy

Or email [email protected]. If you’re on clubhouse @theymakemecrazy

Think about joining the private Facebook Group I created. Just send me an email and I’ll send you the link! Would really love to connect with you!

You can also listen to all the podcasts at

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